Browny pink clematis |
I am home from my travels for a day then off again!
There is a clematis growing over the fence and it didn't get properly cut back last year so is now swarming over the arch above the garden seat. It is an unusual browny pink colour, smallish flowers with extra "petals" in the centres.I've lost the label and can't remember its name.
Browny pink swarming over the arch |
This is on the other side of the arch, a tangutica, very pretty yellow bells and then fluffy seedheads like Old Man's Beard; it quite often seeds into my pots scattered around the garden.
White clematis |
Then there is the white one over the pergola outside my back door. this is growing really well and is the first year it has flowered profusely. Checking around I found another two different clematis today, but didn't have time to photograph them... maybe when I'm back if they're still flowering.
Just off now to sort some stitching. I put pics from my phone onto facebook but can't get them onto here!
Pretty centres! |