Here's a picture of the little Japanese purse I have been making for a friend's birthday present. It has been my take-along hand sewing for quite a while so I am glad to get it done, and it's late for the occasion...
The buttons in the middle of the appliquéd flowers on each side are Japanese Kurumi buttons which are like those you cover yourself, but without the teeth to grab the fabric and without the button back too. The project had stalled because I had covered one and sewed it on with beautiful tiny stitches and then realised you could see the metal button form shining through the cotton fabric. Well I have now taken it off and put a small circle of blanket under the fabric. I am really pleased with the result. Just hope the recipient will like it - it is a few hours of hand stitch which is difficult for me!

Lovely to be home again and in time to spend half an hour in the garden tidying up, and to enjoy the bright crab apples against the green background. My Red Sentinel tree had grown so huge I cut it back quite severely earlier in the year so there are not nearly as many little apples this year as before, but there were so many two tears ago that it broke one of the main branches and I had to tie it back together with clingfilm!